Finished Careless People last night. It’s a really compelling read, continually surprising and horrifying. The author is certainly complicit by her involvement and naïveté, but at least she gave us this view from the inside. Definitely recommend.
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@wendinoakland 12 week wait at Libby
@JonChevreau Wowzers! Husband actually purchased it in print at our local non-corporate bookshop.
@wendinoakland @JonChevreau I'm down to 4 weeks wait with Libby, but that's at least in part because the library added 6 copies to the original 1 for the 156 people waiting. Having cards at 3 libraries helps, too!
@wendinoakland are you bailing from all FB products as a result?
@JonChevreau I *should* but some artists I like are still on instagram, so I check in on them. But absolutely no fb or threads.