Lying in the dentist’s chair this morning I looked up at the tv on the ceiling and noticed that instead of their usual soothing coral reef channel they were playing AI sea creatures. I honestly don’t get why you would want to watch that rather than real marine life.
@purplepadma what? I feel left out. I've never been to a dentist who had a cool screen to watch on the ceiling. Also, I've been left out when it comes to MRI machines where you can listen to music. This really is a Podunk town.
@purplepadma My dentist just has a poster of increasingly large fish with open mouths full of razor teeth taped to the roof
@purplepadma that’s so sad
@purplepadma oh that's not right at all
(did it go ok at the dentist?)
@moonrabbit Yes, I have one last tooth that just doesn’t want to straighten so now I have a rather unattractive set of “buttons” and rubber bands on my front teeth. I am hoping they can come off before I go on holiday as it looks a bit weird
@purplepadma ah good luck to you! i had braces twice as a young un ... my top teeth are very straight now, but the bottom ones not quite so much!