Don't toss/compost your homegrown #PepperLeaves. #Harvest them because they're food. They can be used as herbs substitute if you don't have basil or mints. They can be cooked & eaten. They're nutritious, so start eating your pepper leaves!
Mom had told me that in her matriarch village, our relations grew & harvested #peppers & #leaves for many generations. It's used in many different Asian cultures as both food & medicine.
Pepper leaves #HealthBenefits
#Antioxidants -
Pepper leaves are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.
#AntiInflammatory -
Pepper leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the body.
#DigestiveHealth -
Pepper leaves can aid in digestion and reduce stomach upset.
#ImmunityBoost -
Pepper leaves contain vitamins and minerals that help boost the immune system
I used these harvested pepper leaves to fry up with garlic & eggs for my Mom It's #DiabeticFriendly
Pepper leaves are often used to make green curries to give it the green colour. It helps to keep the green curry from being way too spicy if leaves are used instead of whole peppers.
@PhoenixSerenity Which kinds of pepper? A large number of plants make things called a "pepper".
@lyda All edible peppers & no ornamental ones!
@lyda I harvested from ones I have growing - Thai chilis, jalapeño, bell peppers & Carolina reaper. Every edible pepper plant is ok.
Oooh - never heard of that one...
@SJAsh_03 Now, you know Eat them leaves
As I'm a fully paid-up salad addict, you preach to the converted with that intriguing command!!!
@PhoenixSerenity Wow! Today I'm one of the lucky 10,000! ( I knew about sweet potato leaves, but not pepper leaves!
@epicdemiologist Yes, you are!
@PhoenixSerenity We have a different kind of pepper tree around here - long thin leaves (and red peppercorns that I eat directly from the tree.)
That sounds yummy
@CasualPiDay The California red peppercorns are quite tasty. They are not very hot. The hard part is rubbing the paper-like sheath off of the pepper corns.
I have heard that some people have allergies to these red peppercorns, but I've never actually seen a case.
We keep one pepper grinder with Indian black pepper corns and another with the California red ones.
@PhoenixSerenity Huh. Thanks. I did not know this. It's too late this year, but I will definitely give pepper leaves a taste next summer.
@PhoenixSerenity I always thought the pepper leaves were somewhat toxic, I never thought about using them cooked!! That's so cool!