A pretty mixed garden bed with dahlias, catmint & assorted ornamental tall grasses & buckwheat.
@PhoenixSerenity. This garden space is looking good. Mint has a lot of blossoms for the critters.
@Pollinators They have 3 different pollinator gardens in their backyard too. 2 are all mixed native plants. The third is mixed native & cultivated plants.
@PhoenixSerenity. Your growing zone and rain zone are great for gardening.
@Pollinators Yes, Victoria is known as, City of Gardens. We struggled with rain this Summer - we still need more rain. Climate change acceleration has affected gardening here. I'm trying to adapt, best as possible with frugality because I'm working poor.
@PhoenixSerenity. I’m off reading about Victoria.
@Pollinators I'm in the South Saanich area of the city. It has more parks & greenspaces than other municipalities - currently. Saanich area is known for its parks & farms.
@PhoenixSerenity. Are you in the shadow of a mountain? I didn’t imagine us with more annual precipitation.
@Pollinators Our property was actually built over old wetlands & farming properties. In several areas of Saanich, just not in our specific area, sinkholes have occurred.
@Pollinators We have mountains nearby & ocean too but haven't had enough rains.
@PhoenixSerenity. It’s a good region to volunteer and protect. Old growth, the Salish Sea, diversity…
@PhoenixSerenity. Excellent. You have a great green neighborhood.
@Pollinators Trying to keep it that way. Our current council does too much greenwashing though. There's massive big developments happening & tons of trees were cut down in past 2 years for that.
@PhoenixSerenity @Pollinators Saanich is lovely. I can totally understand wanting to live there.
@colo_lee @Pollinators My parents bought our property here in the early 90s. We'd never be able to afford to buy same place now as our property value has gone to over 1 million now. The value is mostly for the land because our house is not worth very much by itself.
@PhoenixSerenity @colo_lee. And another thank you to your parents.
@Pollinators @colo_lee My parents are awesome. They bought this property that had been neglected for awhile. Once we moved in, my parents spent a lot of time, effort & monies to put much needed TLC into improving it. We cleared out so many overgrown invasives in first 3 years alone. There used to be nasty English ivy choking out trees in backyard. We ripped them out & I injected their roots with mixture of salt & vinegar to kill them off & stop their spread.
@PhoenixSerenity @Pollinators yes -- you all have a housing problem very much like ours. And it's a big problem. Saanich is still lovely and a boon that your parents got a footprint there that you can live in now.
@colo_lee @Pollinators Mom & I would likely be homeless if we hadn't bought this property a long time ago.
@colo_lee @Pollinators I love Saanich environment & am a longtime community volunteer & nature steward here because I believe in being active in supporting & contributing to the community I live in. I can contribute a lot, as a grassroots citizen
@PhoenixSerenity. I see Victoria at about 585 mm and our area at about 835 mm. #minnesota, #victoriabc.
@PhoenixSerenity. And for local orchard clean up days.
@Pollinators This garden is at one of our fruit trees stewards' homes
@PhoenixSerenity the plants do well tucked together. A really lovely
@kellyromanych I loved their pollinator gardens so much. I was also very grateful that this local fruit tree steward homeowner was very good about telling us she was likely sick with covid & stayed indoors to talk to us, while we stayed outside.
@PhoenixSerenity it's always good to hear respect and care for people and planet.
@PhoenixSerenity Such a beautiful mix of colours and textures!
@dorkette888 They really did a fabulous job with their pollinator gardens!