is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A home to friendly weirdos. The Grey Gardens of the Fediverse (but beige). Occasionally graphically cacographic. Definitely probably not a cult (though you'll never be 100% sure). Beige-bless 🙏

Server stats:

active users

Here's a truth for you -- especially if you haven't hit your 40s yet, maybe not even your 30s.

The truth is this:

*Nobody* knows what the fuck they're doing.
If someone seems like they have their shit together, either they are presenting you with a completely false front, or they are in a season of The Total Occasional Fluke of Everything Apparently Going Right and Coming Together.

But what are we really doing? Nobody knows. WE'RE ALL JUST DOING WHAT WE CAN WITH THE TOOLS WE HAVE AT THE TIME.

@HCBunny I'll hit 47 soon and am finally IN MY CORE figuring out that I have nothing figured out. 😆

Paid lip service to the concept for a good decade before I had to admit it was just lip service.

@courtcan @HCBunny As a sexagenarian having realized I have nothing figured out I went into a period of deep internal reflection resulting in the insight that we do have something to look forward to. It's degeneration.

Might as well be dancing.