So if you are a US citizen and you lose your driver's license or equivalent ID, you may pay $25 or so and get a replacement. Did you know if you are a US Permanent Resident with a green card, if you lose your green card you pay $465?
Other interesting details, you have a 17-page document to complete that is provided for you at a field office for immigration, filled out. Now you have to supply a credit card to make the payment. There is no other payment option than a credit card. How many people have a credit card "on a US bank"? So you submit all of this by mail, no other means is allowed: you can not take it to an office.
Then, you must wait "up to 30 days for the payment and document request for the replacement to be accepted". Now you will wait up to 40 days for the new document to be mailed to you.
And this is what the process is in good days: who knows what will happen with the fee and process over the next weeks and months when all those wasteful federal workers are pruned from the system. Do you think immigrants (now called "Aliens" will be getting anything easier with the Trump Administration?
(Yes, this is happening right now with a friend).