My friend sent me a photo of her black tuxedo #cat - totally zonkered out atop a couch. It looks like she's gonna topple over but she's been there for 2 hours like that - kitty snores n all
This is a teaser lead up to another black tuxedo cat personal share coming up soon From a different cat rescuing friend.
One of my #CatRescuer friends is now working with this black tuxedo #feral. It kept going to her home & no one has claimed this cat. It was in pretty rough shape. My friend is getting veterinary care for this cat, this week. She has the kitty in a studio workshop space. Cat has eaten a lot; chowed down like it's been starving. Cat is still scared of people but my friend is very patient with cats & will slowly build trust.
Update on the #FeralCat my friend rescued. She has named him, Clive. It took a few days to get him comfy enough to sleep in cardboard box inside contained small studio outbuilding. She has trapped him. He is going to the vet on Tuesday morning for full health check-up & get any necessary vaccines/treatments needed.
Update on Clive - the #FeralCat that my friend recently rescued from her rural property in Yellowpoint - Cedar/Ladysmith area.
Clive had his full vet check up & he is #FIV+. He'll require regular visits to vet to monitor his health condition & get vaccines as needed.
Clive got all his vaccines last week & is doing pretty good. He got neutered & treated for fleas & worms too. My friend has moved him from the studio outbuilding into her home. Clive is still very timid but is slowly coming around. He is a very sweet & handsome kitty cat
I have another Clive update coming, with photos, this evening
Clive is not as anxious now. He is not peeing on his bed & everywhere else in my friend's home now. Excellent feral cat rehab progress
Clive is slowly becoming a much loved, domesticated cat
Got another progress update on Clive.
"My big excitement this week was first purrs from Clive! "
Clive is getting used to being a beloved housecat after an uncertain feral life. We believe he was dumped by previous owner after he became sick with FIV. Unfortunately, many not so kind humans often choose to dump animals when they get sick/get older - when animals need humans to love & care for them more. Me & my friends who have done a lot of animal rescue work have seen too many dumped pets. Animals experience abandonment traumas too. I wish more folks would turn pets over to local rescue/shelter or post ad asking for rehoming assistance instead of just dumping animals outside.
Clive is much more adjusted to indoor cat life now. He's still very skittish around humans but not trying to escape my friend's house, not hiding away as much & is allowing more daily, gentle human petting. He's started to actively engage my friend, who rescued him, when she introduces him to new cat toys. He's doing better, health wise, despite having FIV. Clive gets so much love & quality care from my friend in Ladysmith.
@pkw I have SO MANY feelings with cats & dogs who belong to others
@PhoenixSerenity @pkw Paul, you might like the cats from the replies to the post
@PhoenixSerenity I coaxed a feral cat to come live indoors in 2023 and 2024. It's a slow process but it's worth it to see her enjoying a much more comfortable life now and she's been showing more and more sweetness as time passes by.
Here's a picture of this once feral but sweet girl.
@IzabelaKaramia Thank you for caring & rescuing this former feral
@PhoenixSerenity @IzabelaKaramia I love my two FIV+ furbabies, won’t want to live without them again.
@PhoenixSerenity For people who love cats but have never taken on feral rescues or senior cats who lost their owners, it's an incredible experience to give cats who might otherwise be forgotten a chance to live out their years with love and attention.
I hadn't done it before, but the cat distribution system somehow got me to the apartment complex where Ginza lived and I felt like it could be done with patience.
I haven't done much in life, but at least I've done right by Ginza.
Oh God. Thank you all for taking Clive in. Everyone in my family thinks people who dump pets should be turned out of their own homes with a loincloth and a spear and be told to go hunt for their dinner.
@MaryAustinBooks @PhoenixSerenity
I always thought they should be transported blindfolded a hundred miles or so too, but yes.
Our little fur baby had FIV, as well as melanoma, we were so blessed to have him as long as we did, he was the sweetest boy ever RIP Fermi
It’s so hard when people dump pets just as soon as they get sick or old. What is the point of having a pet when you don’t take care of them when they need it the most.
It would better to have a plant, they don’t need as much care and some die naturally in a few weeks because that’s how long they live.